The Mission
The Financial Planner Life began with one man and a microphone. Sam Oakes launched his first podcast in March 2020. Since then, the podcast has had nearly 100 episodes, 80,000 views and listens. Ranked 12th on the apple podcast UK careers chart.
The podcast’s success, along with Sam’s industry knowledge has now enabled us to form a well-established brand within the profession and with this platform, we intend to grow even further.
The Financial Planner Life Academies
Our primary objective is to help bring new people into the financial planning profession.
So, we have created a platform which joins leading financial institutions with eager professionals, hoping to gain experience, and qualifications and flourish in their financial planning careers.
Showcasing your Academy
The problem: The financial planning community is currently struggling with an ageing adviser population heading towards retirement and out of the profession within the next five years. Combining this with the lack of experienced candidates within the profession and the lack of candidates starting their journey towards becoming financial planners, a clear problem needs to be solved. How do we replace those who are retiring?
The solution: The Financial Planner Life Academies.
We’ve created a collaborative, level playing field for all financial planning firms to attract second careerists and graduates with a low-cost, high-quality, branded recruitment strategy. Together we can solve this problem.
Using our influence within the profession with our leading financial planning careers podcast, we can help you attract ideal candidates. When you combine this with our other marketing activities, such as our social media marketing, branded videos and articles, all managed by the Financial Planner Life Marketing Agency. It is an affordable recruitment solution guaranteed to attract high-quality talent to your academy.
We have over 15 years of specialised experience in financial planning recruitment, so let’s start attracting the best new talent to the profession.